
Monday, 27 February 2012

"Life is like riding a bicycle

- in order to keep your balance, 
              you must keep moving" 

- Albert Einstein


So I am turning into a bit of a Pinterest junkie. Pinning everything here, there and everywhere; browsing through pin after pin after pin; seeking inspiration and researching of course; clicking that like button; repinning its all quite fun and most importantly you feel like you're being productive. (sometimes I am)

And sad but true; it does get a little exciting, when lots of people repin or like your pins. Now, thanks to the people at PinPuff (probably pinterests' biggest fan), you can have your Pinfluence and Pin value calculated! A measure of your influence, popularity and reach on pinterest. Mine was 44.44; don't really know what this number means, but I am guessing the higher the better.

They're just starting up so I guess, we will see what these numbers mean later.


If you liked my post about the snow circles, you're gonna love this:

Friday, 24 February 2012

frightful things


Just saw this egg painted by Rob Ryan, for the Faberge Big Egg Hunt. They've hidden over 200 giant eggs all painted by artist and designers, around London.  Everyone's invited to join in and go egg hunting, too bad I'm not lucky enough to be in London, but if you are you should join in. This looks like fun!

Seeing these eggs has inspired me to paint something. A giant egg would be fun to paint; but perhaps I'll stick to painting a small one, or whatever else I can find round the house.

Find your favourite egg here.

Friday, 17 February 2012

I Never Finish Anyth.

This is so true. I am forever starting things and not finishing them, or worse; having a thought to start something and not even starting them.

BUT I am going to make this the year; 
the year that thoughts get started, and things get finished!  
YES I am! YES I am! 

And you should too!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Maps as patterns...

Maps are just like patterns? 


The work of French artist Armelle Caron. The urban city plans are organized into components.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

scribble away!

Seeing this just makes me want to draw, scribble and doodle away to my hearts content...

...Until my hands are tired and all my eyes can see are lines. Pen lines, pencils lines, coloured lines, pretty beautiful lines; whether they be part of a great drawing or not, is not important - the joy is in the doing! 

So try it and have a great time scribbling away! 

And do email me your scribbles its great to see other peoples work and share! I will post the best ones up.

Lined patterns.

Going slightly pattern mad this week. This is what happens when my brain just can’t stop working! 

Thankfully found these lovely line patterns - that just put a smile on my face. Enjoy!

Butterfly Rose

A rose made of butterflies. Gorgeous artwork by Iachoku. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


Working on patterns this week and just came across the work of Ira Sidakova. Patterns with beautiful colours and illustrations!

The Japonizer!

Been looking for inspiration for the background patterns I am creating; came across ‘The Japonizer’ - a Japanese pattern generator, pick your pattern, pick your colour and there you have it!

Japonzier! You gotta love the name, like you can make anything Japanese just by adding a Japanese pattern to it!

Anyways not quite what I am working on but definitely alot of fun.

…it may be cold outside,
but you still have to go out there
and make things happen
just learn to keep your heart warm.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Paper Quilling I am falling in Love with...

I’ve always loved all things paper; packaging, cards, boxes, origami, business cards even envelopes! But I’ve never been fond of paper crafts such as papermarché, collage or paper quilling. Perhaps it’s the bad childhood memories of creating awful awful pieces of ‘art’ or the unsophisticated image I associate with these types of craft?

However, after seeing some amazing paper quilled work, I’ve made my peace with the craft and decided to try and see if I can create some sort of masterpiece using these techniques.
My inspirations:

Yulia Brodskaya :
I’m loving her style and the amount of detail in her work. Must take hours.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

How thrifty!

Just came across the work of Jason Taylor, he’s on a mission to create a product-a-day for the whole of 2012!

Must say I probably won’t be purchasing these products or see them in the shops any time soon. But, I am always trying to recycle and up-cycle things, so I am definitely loving his inventive use of everyday objects, to create new products. In particular this hook binder has sparked my creative juices. He’s given this ring-binder a whole new purpose and function! How thrifty!

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